Thursday, December 28, 2006

True Wisdom

happy new year everyone!!!! I Hope the Lord Blesses all of you in a mighty way. Here is next week's outline take a look at it comment on it. I want your Ideas, comments, etc.
What is widom? Were does it come from? How can it be obtained?
True Wisdom
Psalm 33.10-11
I. Wisdom of the World (v10)
a. Changes- times, people, fads, fashion, knowledge
b. Corrupts (ineffective)-
c. Falls- wont stand
II. Wisdom of God (v10-11 )
a. Strong (v10a)- crushes the worlds and supports the believer
b. Eternal (v11a)- unchanging always
c. Comforting (v11b) reveals God’s heart, will, and plan for your life

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