Wednesday, May 20, 2009

God's Promise and Providence

Exodus…for the next few weeks we will be studying the book of Exodus. We plan on seeing the Promise and Providence of God through the book of Exodus. We will see God’s promise reveled to his people. We will see how God is in control of all situations and will receive the Glory due him. Please be reading ahead to get a grasp of all we will be studying. Come with good ideas a questions to bring the group.

Lesson One : Introduction…God’s Promise and Providence
Exodus 1.1-7
In these verses we read of names of those who had made it to Israel. This section of scripture links the book of Genesis with the book of Exodus. The text ends by telling the reader that the children of Israel were fruitful and multiplied. We see God’s hand on his people as they go through this time in their history. Now we must understand that they were not yet in the promised land. God had not forgot them but was preparing them for what was to come.
I. Faithful
We must understand that God had not forgotten his people. The same promise that was begun with Abraham would be carried out. What God starts he finishes. Many people don’t realize this Truth. Even in our own lives we tend to think that God has forgot about us but he is still preparing us for what is in store. We see that these people we growing in number and in strength. God knew what he was doing. He was giving his people what hey needed in order for them to go where they needed. Do you think it is the same in our life? Does God prepare us for what lies ahead? How can we know that God will complete what he starts in us?
II. Purposeful
Notice that God had a purpose in mind. Generally it was to get the Glory through redeemed people but on a smaller scale it was to do mighty things with his people so they could make God look good. God has a purpose for all things. He is totally in control of every situation. What are some ways that God worked his purpose through these people? When bad things happen is God in control of all things? What is His purpose for you? How do you think you will personally accomplish this goal?
III. Powerful
Finally in these introductory verses we see a powerful God. We see how he uses situations of man to accomplish his will. Men, politicians, governments and other entities have nothing on God. Psalm 2 says that God sees the plans of man and laughs…. In what ways do you see his power on display? (taking refugees and making them mighty) Do you think God displays his power today like he did in these times? What can your generation learn form these verses?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Me and Emma at the David Crowder*Band Concert...she and I had an Awesome daddy, daughter night (the crowder band is emma's favorite haha she says that she is going to have a David Crowder themed birthday party!!)

In book of I Timothy vs 1-3a some amazing traits about Paul's life can be found. This letter was written to a young pastor named Timothy. The books of I and II Timothy a full of wonderful practical principles that are vital to the Christ follower. In these opening verses we see why Paul was So Alive. Now it does not say that word for word, but Paul does say some things that point to that.

Notice in vs1 we see that Paul knew who he was....He was an apostle. The Greek for this points to that fact that Paul was a messenger, commisioned by God, to reperesent CHrist and His Work. This meant something to Paul, because of who he was before Christ. God in his mereciful will saved a man who was against him. We also should never get over who we are in Christ. We also are sinners against God. We are unholy and deserve Hell. But what Grace and mercy that has been displayed upon on wretched lives. Paul was So alive because of the one who had given him a life to truly live.

Notice Paul's hope in verse one....Paul had a hope that was expectant on Christ. This is also important to being Alive inn Christ. Because without hope....without biblical hope how can we live in a world like the one we live.....Paul knew where his hope was. He placed it all in the hand of the Lord.

And lastly Paul knew what he was doing...Paul had a ministry. Paul invested his life in people, so that they would Glorify God in all they did. Paul said in Colossians that his goal was to present all believers to God, mature and strong in Christ. Paul knew what he was doing... Notice how in verse three he lets us know that there is a past with Timothy. When we look at the book of Acts and the other Gospels we see that Paul was discipling young Timothy in the way of the Lord....this is important for us to apply..we must have people in our life whom we teach and admonish in the scriptures and thhe ways of God....Paul was SO ALIVE!!!

Paul lived his life to the fullest for Christ....Paul did not waste His LIFE!!!!!!!! Let us live as Paul did........SO ALIVE!!!