Dealing with the World
Colossians 4.5-6
I. Limited Time
We are only on this earth for a limited time. God has numbered our days and selected our paths. Knowing this, Paul makes known a principle that we should be aware of when dealing with the world. Our life is but a vapor and then its gone. Our sole purpose in life is to Glorify God. We will glorify God when we make the best use of our time. This should be done in all aspects of life, as well as our relationships with non- Christ Followers. This is important because obviously we don’t live alone here on earth. There are others with us. God has chosen us as tools to spread his message. The Good news….the GOSPEL. DO you think that we do realize our limited time as Christians? And if we do, why don’t we live like it? Why do you think Paul tells them of their limited time? Do you make the best use of your time?
II. Wise Walk
Walking wisely is vital when dealing with the world. We must be on our guard. We must also live intentionally or on purpose. There are so many obstacles that may derail us in our walk with Christ. And when a “derailing” occurs the world notices. Not only that, but we have been giving a privilege to share and be a witness of the Glories of God. A wise believer will walk with purpose, intentions, and with a focus. Wisdom is using the knowledge that we have gained from the Word. Its living out the word. Its putting legs on prayers. James talks about it….its faith being put into good works. Describe a situation where wisdom is needed in our dealing with the world? Why should we worry about having a wise walk?
III. Seasoned Speech
Many times our tongues can get us in a heap of steamy trouble! Especially when dealing with the world. We can get hurt or offended and we will then speak our minds! This is wrong. Paul urges us to have grace seasoned in our speech. This allows us to be more like Christ. When we depend upon our wisdom our speech becomes hurtful and malignant. When we disagree with the world and our feelings or pride is on the line we must exercise grace. It is said in the Bible to be quick to hear, and slow to anger. Give Grace to those who need it most. Has there ever been a time where you did not have grace in your speech? Why do you think that Paul mentions this in this text? How does it apply to you directly?
IV. The Outsider
Paul mentions the outsider and the person whom we answer in these texts. We must remember our job. Just as you and I need a savior, so does this world. When dealing with the world we need to stop and recognize that the only difference between us and them is the grace of God. Many of us are unwise with our dealings with the outsider. This can be hurtful to the non-believer. There are many legalistic men and women in this world who do not use these truths in their conduct with the world. When we fall into this trap, we become legalistic, and ignorant to the things of God. How are we to deal with this lost world? What can we do to be intentional in our relationships with those who are not believers? What do you see as the biggest problem in the way Christians deal with the world? Do you think that we can be to friendly with the world? And if so when does that happen?
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