Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hey Guys here is the Bible Study for Wed. the 17th of October. Sorry I was late in putting it out.

Psalm 127.1-5
Minding the Homework
The family is falling apart in our society today. We must get our picture of the family form the word of God. This Psalm can be divided into two parts. The Family and the Children, we are going to look at both parts.
Some elements of the Home
I. Family
a. Construction (Built, labor) (vs1a)
b. Protection Given (watchman) (vs1b)
c. Provisions Given (vs2)
II. Children
a. Treasure (heritage)(vs3)
b. Tools (arrows to a warrior are tools) (vs4)
c. Testimony (not put to shame) (vs5)

Monday, October 8, 2007


The Believer and their Immortality
Psalm 125.1-2
I. The Believer's Faith: he trusts in Jehovah.
a. Confidence
b. Faith
c. Identity
II. The Believer's Stability: “abides for ever.”
a. Unmovable
b. Perseverance
c. chosen
III. The Believer's Saftey: “As the mountains,”
a. Hemmed up by God
b. Totally Surrounded
c. Protected

Monday, October 1, 2007

the Basics

A Traveler’s Basic Needs
This is another Psalm that was used by the Jew who were in Exile. They were returning home to start over and they had a realization their needs. We all have needs. As Christians we must realize we are on a Journey. We have needs,here are some of our Basic Needs
Psalm 123.1-4
I. Desperate for God (vs1)
a. What Causes us to be desperate? What can we do to be desperate for God?
II. Dependent upon God (vs2)
a. How are we the Lord’s Servants? How does a servant need their master?
III. Delivered by God(v3-4)
a. What are some things you have been delivered from? What are some things you need delivered from?